Arrows is a story centered on a thirteen-year-old girl who discovers a series of arrows carved into large boulders. With her grandfather's help, she uncovers a hidden cipher. Will they be able to break the code or will the message remain a mystery? Illustrations and a photograph support the text.
The Amazon rainforest is a rich, living treasure. Filled with more kinds of insects, plants, and animals than anywhere else in the world, the Amazon is a complex and fascinating habitat. The Amazing Amazon provides students a comprehensive look at this intricate world through detailed text and colorful photographs. The book can also be used to teach author's point of view and how to effectively…
Enjoying a quiet night by the campfire sounds like a great way to start summer vacation, but plans quickly change when a group of friends comes across a mysterious object. The Mysterious Object is an engaging and exciting story that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. This book can also be used to teach students how to make inferences and draw conclusions and identify adjectives.