In the mid-nineteenth century, among the bustling changes taking place in Paris, a group of rebel artists emerged. Known as Impressionists, these artists challenged traditional and preferred art forms, sparking a revolution that would influence artistic movements for many years to come. Make an Impression introduces students to art history through Impressionism as well as its early key players,…
We depend on honeybees to pollinate the plants that produce our food. Beekeepers, farmers, and scientists want to know why honeybees started vanishing this century. The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees explores the mystery of colony collapse disorder (CCD), a worldwide problem that results in millions of honeybees disappearing without a trace every year. The book can also be used to teach stu…
Have you ever wondered where money comes from or who decides its value? Money, Money, Money provides students with an informative look at the development of money. The book can also be used to teach students how to identify main idea and details and to use proper nouns correctly.