Rosalind Franklin's Beautiful Twist tells the story of a brilliant but relatively unknown scientist, Rosalind Franklin. The book chronicles Rosalind's life and her work to discover the makeup and purpose of DNA, a blueprint for the building blocks of all living things. Because she was a woman in a male-dominated institution, male scientists took credit for her research and findings. Read about …
Linguists predict that by 2100, half of all the languages in the world will be extinct. Through colonization and domination, indigenous languages have a history of being eradicated alongside their rich culture and tradition. Vanishing Languages details this history while looking at present-day efforts to revive endangered languages. Students will be asked to consider the importance of preservin…
Would you stand for a tyrant king who took your money and land as he pleased? Travel to medieval England and read about barons who organized for freedom. Read more about the Great Charter, a document that upholds the principle that no one is above the law. Vivid illustrations, timelines, and maps support the text as students learn about author's purpose and past-tense verbs.
The Great Hunger informs readers about the famine that swept across Ireland during the mid-1800s. Potato blight left poor tenant farmers with nothing to feed their families, but they were still forced to work the land and export grain to their landlords in Britain. Over the course of sixteen grueling years, Ireland's population dropped from over 8.5 million to 5 million. People died from starva…
Every year, hockey fans from around the world anticipate the battle for hockey's greatest prize: the Stanley Cup. The road to the Stanley Cup is long and difficult but is well worth it for fans and players alike. The Stanley Cup has a long-standing tradition rooted in Lord Stanley of Preston's inspiration upon seeing his first hockey game in 1889. For more than a century, players have skated, s…
Law enforcement officers and scientists work together using different kinds of sciences to solve crimes by looking beyond what we can see with our eyes. Seeing the Evidence: Forensic Scientists at Work provides students with three case files describing how each crime was solved using science to look at forensic evidence. The book can also be used to teach students how to make inferences and dra…
Whale sharks are the world's largest fish, but don't let the name fool you. These gentle giants are nothing like most other sharks. Students will enjoy reading about how these creatures eat, migrate, reproduce, and more. Maps and fascinating images support the text.
Have you ever wondered why your eyes are blue and your sibling's are brown? Why a friend can roll his tongue and you can't? This informative book answers these questions. Readers will also learn about dominant and recessive traits and how to use a Punnett square to determine the probability of inheriting a particular characteristic.
Wildlife Rescue informs readers about the rehabilitation of injured animals. It tells readers what to do if they find an injured animal and describes the many steps that are taken to rehabilitate these animals. The book also discusses disaster rescues and the release of rehabilitated wildlife.
King Richard III ruled England over five hundred years ago, but researchers only recently found his grave under a parking lot in Leicester, England. In The Bones of a King, students will learn about the controversies surrounding Richard III's time on the throne, his death, and how he was later portrayed as well as how scientists confirmed the identity of the remains.