Forever Twelve (The Evers)
Two seemingly ordinary tweens are suddenly thrust into a chaotic adventure in this inviting mystery by McAnulty (Millionaires for the Month). Twelve-year-old classmates Ronan Haywood and Ivy Stewart are the only two students in their middle school who have been selected to transfer to prestigious West Archer Academy, an exclusive North Carolina boarding school for gifted kids. As the duo acclimate to their new environment, they develop a begrudging yet steadfast friendship that helps them weather anticipated challenges such as increased workload, imposter syndrome, and homesickness. But nothing could have prepared Ronan and Ivy for the realization that Ronan has begun developing psychic powers, or that Ivy’s roommate Abigail is both immortal and part of a secret society of kids called Evers who’ve been alive for centuries. Ronan, Ivy, and Abigail’s alternating POVs provide multifaceted glimpses into the ever-widening scope of West Archer Academy’s secrets. The appealing boarding school setting, cliffhanger ending, and thematic focus on how to cultivate strong, long-lasting friendships are sure to invest readers in this paranormal series opener. Main characters cue as white. Ages 8–12. Agent: Lori Kilkelly, LK Literary. (Oct.)
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