Two seemingly ordinary tweens are suddenly thrust into a chaotic adventure in this inviting mystery by McAnulty (Millionaires for the Month). Twelve-year-old classmates Ronan Haywood and Ivy Stewart are the only two students in their middle school who have been selected to transfer to prestigious West Archer Academy, an exclusive North Carolina boarding school for gifted kids. As the duo acclim…
--------------- A thrilling spy adventure set in New York during the American revolution. From the rising star of children's historical fiction, Iszi Lawrence, this is the perfect high-action adventure for fans of Horrible Histories, Emma Carroll and Hamilton. --------------- It's 1780 and the struggle for American independence is raging. In New York, twelve-year-old Aiden Blaise is sure …
Dog Man and Petey face their biggest challenges yet in the tenth Dog Man book from worldwide bestselling author and illustrator Dav Pilkey. Dog Man is down on his luck, Petey confronts his not so purr-fect past, and Grampa is up to no good. The world is spinning out of control as new villains spill into town. Everything seems dark and full of despair. But hope is not lost. Can the incredible…