InFLUenza provides basic facts pertaining to the flu, or influenza-including what it is, how it spreads, and how it changes. The book provides students with useful information about how their body naturally fights flu viruses, as well as how the flu can be prevented and treated. Photographs, diagrams, charts, and maps support the text.
Satellites informs the reader in detail about various artificial satellites and provides some of the history of these satellites. The book also describes how we use satellites in our lives today and the ways satellites may be used in our future. Readers learn even more as they view the exceptional photographs.
Success Stories is a collection of biographies of three famous people who immigrated to the United States: Albert Einstein, Gloria Estefan, and Dikembe Mutombo. The book explores the reasons they relocated and the contributions they have made in the areas of science, music, and sports.
The Amazon rainforest is a rich, living treasure. Filled with more kinds of insects, plants, and animals than anywhere else in the world, the Amazon is a complex and fascinating habitat. The Amazing Amazon provides students a comprehensive look at this intricate world through detailed text and colorful photographs. The book can also be used to teach author's point of view and how to effectively…
Hoover Dam stands as one of the greatest engineering feats in the United States. It helped transform the American Southwest, allowing water from the Colorado River to be used throughout the desert landscape. Students will enjoy learning about how the dam was built and how it operates.
Nature is filled with an amazing array of living things, each with unique designs and behaviors that help it adapt and survive. Humans have much to learn from nature, and the new science of biomimicry helps us copy and apply lessons from nature in our own lives. Biomimicry allows students to investigate a variety of examples of biomimicry from Velcro to antireflective computer screens and more.…