Explore one of the most amazing burial grounds in history with Valley of the Kings. Engage students with information about the construction of the tombs as well as ancient Egyptian beliefs regarding death and the afterlife.
Tensions are rising as the human race is divided among those who support the Alien Collective and those who oppose its presence. After being held captive by the Collective, Charlotte finds herself in the unique position of beginning to understand the bigger picture from the perspective of both the Resistance and the Collective. Will Charlotte be able to end the violence and help the people of E…
In Europe, during the late 1700s, frenzy and fascination swirled around the possibility of traveling by air. The Montgolfier brothers were at the forefront of this movement, creating the first-ever hot-air balloon. The Balloon Brothers details the science and the history of these ingenious brothers along with other inventors and brave souls who made air travel a reality.
In 1940, Adolph Hitler led Nazi Germany in an attempt to overtake Great Britain as part of their plan to conquer Europe. Despite the fall of their allies, the British people would not surrender. Battle Over Britain describes the events of the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, two military campaigns in which the Germans and the British fought in an air war above Great Britain. This riveting histo…
What is the truth behind Bigfoot sightings and the Bermuda Triangle disappearances? Does anybody really know? These mysteries, among others, are described in the book Believe It or Not? The book can also be used to teach students how to analyze main idea and details and the proper use of adverbs.
The Berlin Wall describes the events that led up to the construction of the Berlin Wall, the vast differences in a divided Germany during the Cold War, and the consequences of the wall's eventual destruction. This book can be used to teach students how to discern the author's point of view and to effectively summarize.
Nature is filled with an amazing array of living things, each with unique designs and behaviors that help it adapt and survive. Humans have much to learn from nature, and the new science of biomimicry helps us copy and apply lessons from nature in our own lives. Biomimicry allows students to investigate a variety of examples of biomimicry from Velcro to antireflective computer screens and more.…
Fans of pop culture love the colorful and crowded worlds discovered at comic conventions. Comic Cons provides students with a detailed look at these gatherings of comic enthusiasts. The book can also be used to teach students how to distinguish between fact and opinion and use plural nouns.